lundi 8 avril 2013

Next-gen voxel engine for Unity

TerraVol allows to make realistic terrains in Unity 3D without classical terrains limitations. With TerraVol, you can create true caves, holes, overhanging cliffs, etc. You are not limited to a 2D heightmap. Basically, you get the full power of Minecraft-like terrain but with a realistic, good-looking rendering.

Learn more by visiting TerraVol official forum thread.

TerraVol uses Marching Cube algorithm to build smooth surface from voxel data and Perlin noise to generate realistic terrains randomly


  • Dynamic, random or deterministic, terrain generation & building.
  • Real-time updating system allowing a player to modify the terrain (digging, generating ground, etc.) with a very small impact on frame rate.
  • Loading/Saving system to store terrain data in a file and so customize terrains in order to create your game maps.
  • Automatic (and customizable) terrain texturing.
  • Automatic (and customizable) vegetation generation (grass, trees, roots, etc.).
  • Coming soon: in-editor tool to build, sculpt and paint your terrains directly inside the Unity's editor.

TerraVol demo

You'd like to see it in action? Try our web demos: demo 1, demo 2, demo 3.

TerraVol video

Watch the video and see what you can do with TerraVol. This also shows you the brand new in-editor building tool.

TerraVol documentation

You can find the documentation here, and the API reference here.

Buy TerraVol

Once you're ready to buy TerraVol, find us on the Asset Store.


Please, contact me at if you have any question and/or to give feedback.

If you like TerraVol, please give it a good rating on the Asset Store; I need you!

Thank you very much for using TerraVol. I hope you will love it as much as I do!